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Marche mondiale des femmes   Marche mondiale des femmes
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World March of Women
Personal tools

7. Communications

The March created a Communications collective. It ensures that information circulates among the Secretariat, the International Committee and national coordinating bodies; produces an international newsletter; updates and improves the Web site; develops an action policy for our alert network.
Women and Medias
News from our member groups and other groups.
Actions of the Collective
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Ces pages ont été mises à jour grâce au soutien du Fonds francophone des inforoutes de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Autour des communications de la Marche mondiale des femmes.
Last modified 2006-03-24 02:53 PM
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Français, English, Español