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Transnational Feminism and the World Social Forum: Encounters and Transformations in Anti-globalization Spaces

by Janet Conway
What would it mean to place feminism(s) -- as movement(s), politics and ethics -- at the centre of our understandings of the World Social Forum? The author argues that transnational feminisms have been among the significant forces constituting the WSF, although this has been uneven across different time-spaces and scales of the WSF.
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What would it mean to place feminism(s) -- as movement(s), politics and ethics -- at the centre of our understandings of the World Social Forum? The author argues that transnational feminisms have been among the significant forces constituting the WSF, although this has been uneven across different time-spaces and scales of the WSF. Transnational feminisms, understood as movement(s), politics and ethics, are making particular and irreducible contributions to contemporary emancipatory movements in and beyond the WSF. This study historicizes and analyzes some major expressions of transnational feminism at the WSF with implications for understanding the inter-relationality of feminisms, anti-globalization movements and the WSF and for illuminating contemporary debates over the future of feminism taking place in transnational feminist networks. Keywords: feminism, social movements, transnational networks.

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Last modified 2007-12-07 05:24 AM