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Des femmes en action en Iran

Des femmes en action en Iran
By NBurrows

The least we could do as the feminist action on Oct.17 was to prepare a brochure, and arrange for its distribution. The brochure contained an introduction of WMW, our programs which ended to Iranian women’s contribution to the solidarity quilt, a brief explanation of women state in Iran, and our demands which consisted mainly of :


·Signing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the Convention and putting them to application

·Legislative Reform to correct the discriminations against women

· Recognizing women’s civil rights in the society as equals to men, regardless of religion, ethnicity, ideology and social class.

· Eliminating gender discrimination in government structure and decision-making.


As for the fighting against poverty, we decided to ask for signatures to support the women workers in their demand to stop temporary job contracts. The attempt on privatization in the organizations and companies, is adding up the army of poor workers putting them, both women and men, in a state of servitude.


In spite of the fact that we could not make a public announcement for the Solidarity Hour, some of us arranged to gather in one of the main squares of Tehran at noon, for an hour to distribute the brochure we had prepared, and gather signatures.

We took with us prints of our local quilt, prints of some patchworks of our foreign sisters, and parts of the charter written on pieces of paper, which appealed to the passersby to stop and ask us about the occasion and our brochure.

The gathering was almost successful. We could gather 200 signatures in one hour  and we decided to continue the signature gathering, since it was well received. 

We had other ceremony in other cities in Iran.

Last modified 2005-10-20 05:08 AM
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