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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Switzerland

Actions in Switzerland will be decentralized. In Geneva, a rally will be held in Square de Plainpalais, with songs and speeches under the slogan “Women Call for a World without Poverty or Violence.  An action will be staged at the train station in Fribourg. Women will invite passers-by to share a snack of a bowl of squash soup with them while talking to them about the kinds of discrimination women encounter in Switzerland and about women’s long struggle. There will be a photo exhibit, T-shirts, flyers will be handed out, etc.

For more information, click on the arrows (>>) below

Programme Genève 17 octobre
Encart Fribourg-17 Oct
Une centaine des femmes se sont réunies à Genève
Action à Berne
Last modified 2005-09-30 05:14 PM
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