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Patchwork Quilt - Sweden

The patch from Sweden talks about the nordic light, which is a famous light that exists in various paintings all over the world, mostly up here in the north of course. It also talks about the clean, crisp air up here and the pale sun we do not see as much as in the south.

The patch is made out of three bedsheets: one from my grandmother, with her initials and number in red. It is a handwoven linnensheet and we gave them numbers so that we could see that all of them were back after
the washing. The next, with white handmade embroideries, is a weddingsheet from my mother's generation, used on the weddingnight and the third is the light green sheet, in very thin cotton, that my mother had
made to me when I was leaving home. It has her handmade lace, made in a special way we call "knyppling" (threads on wodden sticks, woven around each other with help of needles in a cushion). I used it when I lived away from my family for the first time. Now they are all worn out but still exist in the WMW-quilt!

Gudrun Tiberg
Last modified 2006-02-27 10:29 AM
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