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World March of Women
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Patchwork Quilt - Basque Country

When darkness reigned on the earth, the human beings begged Mari (the Mother Earth) to help them to fight against all the evils which threathened them.  Mari, hearing these petitions, gave birth to her daughter, the Moon. The human beings celebrated her light but it was not sufficient to fight against the evil.  Then the human beings once more asked Mari to send something to them which would give more light there which could overcome darkness.  Marimade her second daughter, the Sun (in the Basque culture, Sun is female).  And thus was born the day.

Therefore, no malignant spirit the human beings during the day.  But, when night fall, the evil appeared and continued to threathen the people.  Consequently, they asked Mari to give them something to fight against the evil during the night.

"... That's fine.  I will create a so beautiful flower that, just seeing it, the malevolent beings will believe that it is the sun itself... "and Mari gave them Eguzki Lore [ egúski lóre;  Sunflower, is the flower of the cardoon (Carlina Acaulis) ].

Since then, we put some at our doors to protect us.  The Sun and the Moon are female divinities, girls of the Earth (Mari), in which the days go after their race in the Sky.


"We walk and we grow, united, under the protection of EGUZKILORE"

We received the World March of Women, represented by a young tree with deep roots and protected by the women (represented in the leaves) and, all together, we walk and grow under the protection of EGUZKILORE.  This piece was made by 45 women during a workshop of the municipal workshop Xenpelar de Orereta.

Last modified 2006-02-14 05:08 PM
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