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Greek and Bulgarian women meet at the border for a common action

Greek and Bulgarian women meet at the border for a common action

A demostration in the small town of Serres near the Greek-Bulgarian border was performed, conserning the exploitation of women in Bulgaria at the labour market, as part of the 24 hours of the Feminist solidarity.

The representatives came from Serres and Thessaloniki, as well as from Sofia, Bulgaria. The main question was related to the textile industry, taking place in Bulgaria by Greek investors. The exploitation of local women is based on the low salaries and the big unemployment in some regions of Bulgaria, situated near the Greek border.

The demonstration started at the very border, where the representatives from both countries met. Meanwhile local media journalists were making interviews with the participants. They wanted to know how the World March of Women and the Charter of Humanity will influence the women`s conditions in countries like Bulgaria and Greece. Joining the efforts for reducing poverty and discrimination – this is the way to achieve more!

Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM