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Activities in Chelyabinsk, Russia on October 17

By N.Burrows

On October 17, 2005, Russian women in Chelyabinsk undertook the action called 24 hours of feminist solidarity. The activities of the NGO “Women’s Commonwealth” were the following:

- They spread the information about World March of Women among Russian NGO and Governmental organizations

- Professional courses were paid  for two girls from the risk group

- The medical and psychological aid were paid for trafficking survivor

- The lawyer provided with the consultations several poor women

- They initiated the meetings with the Social and Educational Ministry’s specialists about programs for poor women and their families

- They provided the shelter for women with two children

- The “Women’s Commonwealth” NGO Hot Line operator gave out consultations for poor women


 Vasilyeva Larisa - Chief of Women's Commonwealth

Last modified 2005-10-27 11:59 AM