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Workshops, art-sessions and colloque for the women's solidarity in Bulgaria

Workshops, art-sessions and colloque for the women's solidarity in Bulgaria

In the past few days the Bulgarian women, contributed to the 24hours of solidarity with a number of activities. On the 13th of October, we made a session with 50 girls from one kindergarden in the capital, which dreamed and drew their ideas on the topic: “mama and me when we are happy”. We distributed the Charter of Humanity to their parents, too. On the 14th, Bojura Pavlova and Maria Dimitrova lead a 3 hours workshop at the University of Architecture presenting the Charter and introducing the women's rights to the students.

On 15th October, Saturday, at noon, we invitied a number of young women, NGO leaders, at the GERT office and we discussed with them the women's rights, the woman as the keeper of the social values, the woman in her role of a mother and educator, the women as an active element of the civil society sector.

We are very happy to announce that the Global Charter of Humanity and the 24 hours of solidarity in Bulgaria have a website, made especially for the campaign. You are invitied to visit it at

We are expecting our colleague, Bojura Pavlova, to come back from Seres, Greece, where on the 16th October, there was a demonstration of the Bulgarian and Greek women against the explotation of women in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM