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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Belgium

In cooperation with the women’s councils, Belgian women are organizing for Sunday, October 16, a huge party, given the name Confêttia ( At the party, the March will challenge the five Equal Opportunity Ministers about the Belgian demands regarding poverty and violence during the Great Debate. There will also be a march through Brussels. Some 10,000 women are expected to participate.  On October 17, at noon, 500 women will occupy the steps outside the Stock Exchange under the slogan “Money versus poverty: Women don’t have, or have too little, access to money.” Sirens, bells, horns and gongs will signal the beginning of the action. The demonstrators will underscore the Charter values using a number of creative and artistic means such as the squares of the Belgian patchwork quilt, a “spoken choir,” messages written on dishtowels and shoes as a symbol of “women who travelled the world in 2005… let’s leave our baskets behind and roll up our sleeves.” The main theme of the day is international solidarity. Other actions will be staged at noon on October 17. For example, in Amay, women will share a meal and trade ideas on a project related to the international day against violence against women.

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Programme-Program-Programa BELGIQUE 17-10-05
Activité à Amay - 17 octobre
Féministe arabe à l'honneur en Belgique
Belgique-1 Belgique-1 Belgique-1
Manifestation à Liège
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7000 marcheuses à Bruxelles
Photos Bruxelles
Last modified 2005-09-30 11:11 AM
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