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Women's rights and the ineffectiveness of government's policy against poverty

Women's rights and the ineffectiveness of government's policy against poverty

Women's march resisting poverty and violence held a press conference in front of the government complex at noon, as a part of 24 hours of feminist solidarity. Many women who are against neo-liberal globalization and war, got together. The site was in front of the building of ministry of gender equity & family. Because it was established under the pretext of expanding women's right, but actually expand women's burden and responsibility for childbirth and caring in family.

The first speaker introduced the global relay of world march of women and various activities in korea. And then several women made their own speech in relays. One woman denounced the ineffectiveness of government's policy against poverty. A sex-worker insisted that what is most needed is the removal of poverty, not crackdown against prostitution and criminalization of sex-workers. Speeches criticising the insecurity of women's labor led by neo-liberalism and continuance of deployment of troops in Iraq and expansion of war expenditure were followed. After all speeches, a call to action for women's right & labor right was adopted. In the evening, a cultural event is going to be held nearby a university.

We will get together again during APEC summit in this november.

Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM