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World March of Women
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Invitation letter

Outline of the programme
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Dear Members,


It is to inform you that the following program was tentatively prepared to celebrate Global Charter for Humanity in Pakistan and also decided that “Network for Women’s Rights” will be the name of the coordinating body in Pakistan.


Tentative Prgrammes are as follows,


24th July 05,

Arrival of the Indian delegation at Wagha Border.

Welcome by the Pakistani group and women from near by villages at border. (Approximately 200 to 300 women will be participated)

Language will be preferred   Urdu or Punjabi


Welcome speech.

Introduction of the delegates.

Introduction of the Global Charter for Humanity.( To receive the charter and Quilt  from Indian delegates.)

Speech from Indian Delegate.

Speech from chief guest.


Display the Banners, Posters which will be prepared on women issues.

Quilt Display ( one from Pakistan and other from India.

Drama ( prepared by different theatre groups)

Cultural shows.


Delegate will leave Lahore for Larkana.


25th July 05

Arrival in the morning welcome by Larkana group.

The delegates will stay and take rest in Larkana Hotel till 1.30 pm

They will leave Larkan for Shehdad Kot for event celebration.

300 to 400 rural women will participate. ( Language will be Sindhi and Urdu)


Same programme will be presented till evening.

Display banners Poster and Quilts.

They will leave for Karachi. ( Visit to MOHEJO DARO will be arranged for delegates if time available)


Contacts #  021-4975554, 03002624840. 03009210348.  E-mail


26th July 05.

400 to 500 women from different Kachchi Abadi and Rural area will participate .

Arrival of the delegates in the morning


Stay in the Hotel or any Hostel.

Seminar on “ Crime against Women” at 11am


Banners and poster will be displayed on the venue.

Display Quilts

Drama ( prepared by different theatre groups on the women’s issues.)

Cultural programme

Handing over the Pakistani Quilt to Indian delegates.

Press Conference at Press club.

They will leave Karachi on 27th


Theme of this network will be “Crime against Women”

To highlight the following issues in this celebration,

  • Discriminatory Laws.
  • Hadood Ordinance.
  • Rape/ Burns.
  • Harassment at work places.
  • Bonded Labours.
  • Minimum Wages.
  • Women Trafking.
  • Gender Attitude.
  • Consequences of Feudal system.
  • Political participation, etc.
Contributors : Jacinthe Gouin, Chargée de la Communication et du Plaidoyer, MMF/Burkina, Martine Senécal, Liaison officer WMW - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2005-08-03 02:37 PM