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National News Flashes - Nepal

News from Nepal: 

The 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated with a joint banner of WMW/CCN (Campaign for Change Nepal) that took part in a joint rally organized by civil society and Human Rights groups.

It has been discussed with Com. Bidya Bhandari that there will be a central committee meeting of ANWA (All Nepal Women's Association) which will count with more than 80 members from all over the country. WMW will present its activities and program on December 12th, to explore and introduce WMW among those participants. There will also be a WMW-Nepal meeting soon.

This year ANWA celebrated 19 days VAW (Violence against Women) day in many districts so we can gear this movement for 2008-09 as a campaign.

The National Safe Migration Network will organize a weekly International Migrant Workers day with the WMW-Nepal from December 15th to 21st, and we will have a solidarity action with the referred network.

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Last modified 2009-01-05 12:31 PM
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