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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Japan

Various activities will be held, for example exhibitions, seminars, demonstrations, a signature campaign and marches in several cities in Japan.  In Tokyo, women will make a human chain in front of the Diet from 12:00 to 13:00, with banners, placards, songs etc...The slogans are: “Defend our living standards and peace!!”, ”Withdraw the troops from Iraq!!” and  “No to massive tax increases !!” In Nagano Prefecture they will have a rally on the evening of October 17th held by several organizations.  In Yokohama, capital of Kanagawa Prefecture which has the second largest US military bases in Japan, women will demonstrate for peace and justice on Sunday October 16th in front of the Yokohama station.  

One hour demonstration of the Japoneese women
Last modified 2005-09-30 03:10 PM
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