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Open Letter to Stephen Harper

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October 4th 2014,

Mr. Prime Minister of Canada,

Violence against Indigenous girls and women is a serious violation of human rights. Acts of violence that target Native women are grounded in systemic discrimination and marginalization arising from the process of colonization fostered by the police, the media, and the education and justice systems.

The federal government must establish an independent public commission of inquiry and must work together with the various Native nations to develop a national action plan.

The women of the World March of Women, we stand in solidarity with the international call of the Quebec Native Women and the Quebec Coordination for the World March of Women. Systemic factors that promote the disappearance and murder of Indigenous women need to be properly identified, as well as processes and policies responsible for maintaining the status quo - and subsequent damage to Indigenous women and girls - be disclosed. Recommendations and MEASURES for change are needed to improve the safety of women and girls in all Indigenous communities in Canada.

A comprehensive national public inquiry into violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada would provide assurance to Indigenous peoples that all levels of government recognize the seriousness of the issue and are committed to end the cycle of violence. It would also raise awareness of the human rights crisis in Canada, many Canadians are unaware of this issue. The inclusion of Indigenous families in the process of a national public inquiry, from planning to the post- report implementation will be paramount to the success of this activity and ensure that the voices of families are heard. It is also essential that this investigation enables Indigenous women's groups to be heard, given the amount of information they have collected over the years.


Feminist solidarity,

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Last modified 2014-10-03 03:04 PM
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