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You are here: Home » Structure: IC, Countries and Participating bodies, International meetings » Countries and participating groups » Americas » Mexico » Mujeres trabajadoras Unidas, AC - Mujeres en Accion Sindical (MUTUAC-MAS) DIVERSA

Mujeres trabajadoras Unidas, AC - Mujeres en Accion Sindical (MUTUAC-MAS) DIVERSA

Monica Romero Miranda, Jill Falk,Elisa Villaescusa Valencia

Calle Contepec No.1, Departamento 4 Col. Roma Sur
México D.F.

(5) 264 69 51/539 02 20/ 532 57 63/015-574 78 50

(5) 574 62 15/015-574 78 50

Last modified 2005-03-03 04:38 PM