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Call to action - Hemispheric Day of Solidarity with Honduras (26 - 28 June 2011)

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Social movements
People's Organizations
Networks, campaigns, committees of solidarity
Sisters and comrades of everywhere:

Latin American social and popular movements, particularly those of Honduras, that have come together in the campaign "Latin America and the Caribbean: A Region of Peace – No to Foreign Military Bases" hereby issue a call for an International Encounter Against Militarization in La Esperanza y Comayagua, Honduras on June 26 and 27, 2011. The event will end on June 28 --the two year anniversary of the coup d'etat in Honduras carried out by the U.S. Empire, the Honduran military and the oligarchy-- with the Honduran people's call for a re-foundational process that is constituent, autochthonous and popular.

The objective of the Encounter will be to analyze the hemispheric and Honduran contexts --vis-à-vis the aggression of the project of domination, particularly the hegemonic strategy of militarization and intervention-- so that we may define courses of action and possibilities for coordination to stop the aggression. We will debate, exchange information and work together to reach agreement and find common ground in the struggle.

With enthusiasm, hope and conviction we call on everyone to work to end militarization in all of its manifestations:
  • To demand the closing of foreign military bases;
  • To end the criminalization of social protest movements and the serious and systematic violations of human rights;
  • To prosecute and punish those responsible for these actions that are part of the coup apparatus that must be dismantled;
  • To dismantle the culture of militarization as a form of patriarchal and neoliberal domination in all spheres of daily life for every person.
International actions for the Hemispheric Day of Solidarity with Honduras will take place in front of Honduran embassies and consulates. We will organize debates, plan educational tours, meet with authorities, etc. to reaffirm our rejection of a military coup in our hemisphere. We will denounce the U.S. military bases in Honduras, which provided support for the coup and have increased their presence since that event. We will denounce the persecution and killings of social and popular activists and of the Honduran people in general by groups supporting the illegitimate, post-coup regime. We will demand non-recognition of all debt imposed via the coup.

COPINH, OFRANEH, Artistas en Resistencia, MUCA, Insurrección Autónoma, ERIC, COFADEH
Campaign "Latin America and the Caribbean: A Region of Peace – No to Foreign Military Bases" 

For updated information on the human rights situation in Honduras, please visit the websites:

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2011-06-22 03:51 PM
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