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Launch of the Charter - March 8, 2005 - Rwanda

Launching at the national level and in 12 provinces on March 8th, 2005

« A delegation of three members of PRO-FEMMES / TWESE HAMWE went to Goma in DRC to celebrate March 8th with the women of DRC, Burundi, and Rwanda in a meeting of the COCAFEM / GL. The charter will be officially launched in the sub-region of Great Lakes.


The charter is being translated into Kinyarwanda to facilitate its popularization and to sensitize the population to it.

The charter is diffused in French and English to the member associations and will be diffused to the rural population after its translation. The new charter will be put on our Web site. It has been distributed in a press conference with the media. The charter was expounded during several television shows preparing the event of
March 8th, 2005.

A meeting is being planned with associations to rule on the Rwandan symbol to be put in the quilt and to organize the relay.


500 desktop calendars were printed and distributed with a monthly message in French and in English taken from the World Charter of the Women for the Humanity and the pictures of the fifth meeting of the women illustrate these calendars. 1500 wall calendars were also produced and diffused at the national level and at the regional level (Burundi, DRC, Rwanda).


A team of Rwandan women going to New York for Beijing+10 brought calendars reflecting the pictures of the women having participated in the fifth meeting as well as the five values of the world charter of the women.

Happy women’s day to all women in the world. »


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Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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