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World Relay - Mali

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Burkina Faso


Mali welcomed the relay in the morning of October 11, from the Senegalese representative. The ceremony was leaded by the First Lady, spouse of the chief of the Malian State, who was the first to sew on the patchwork, in the presence of all the women ministers in Mali, a few ambassadors and a lot of other well-known Malians. The party was great. Mali left with the relay on October 13 to arrive in Burkina Faso the day after.

Les Maliennes s’organisent !
Program of activities
Photos des Maliennes lors du relais
Kaidatou Keita parle de la Charte
Kaidatou Keita, de l'association "Pose ton couteau" était à Ouagadougou le 17 octobre 2005. Elle explique l'importance, pour elle, d'assister à cet événement.
Last modified 2005-10-12 01:19 PM
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