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World March of Women
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Korogocho women meet to discuss their problems

By christina h.

A group of over 100 women in Korogocho participated in the world march of women on 17th October 2005.  Among the messages on placards were:  Stop sexual harassment,  Stop domestic violence,  Stop raping children,    Let us protect our children.  They sang songs urging women not to ‘sleep’ as they still needed to address issues affecting them and to fight for their rights.


Among the issues raised by the women were:  Widespread domestic violence in Korogocho,  Poverty which deters them from reporting cases of abuse as the help desks are far,   Men raping them with their daughters,  The long suffering of women as a result of silence.


The climax of the day was a very loud "ululation" from all the women present as a sign of support and demand for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi.  Mary Wangare on behalf of all the women shouted "Aung we are with you and support your cause".


Kituo Cha Sheria sensitised the women on forms of abuse for women and the step to make incase one is abused. They promised to avail volunteer counselors once a week to attend to abused women and also provide free legal services to abused women. What the day meant to us: An opportunity to open up, re-nergize and be more united to fight for the cause of the poor Kenyan woman.

By Rozilla.A Isalambo

ANPPCAN Regional office

Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM