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World Relay - Ghana

Women in Ghana will collect signatures in participating regions (Western, Central, Greater Accra and Northern). They want to present 5000 and more signatures in a support petition to speaker of Parliament. The theme is: “Right to Property, Secure Property Rights, Secure Family Life”.

In October, 3000 women should converge in Accra and march to the Parliament. They will march for their rights, present their petition to the Speaker, and draw attention to the enactment of the law on the property rights of spouses.

The Secretariat of ATWWAR will produce a national quilt representing peace. There will be the presentation of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity to the Minister of Women and Children Affairs. The national activities programme will also be presented.

There will be radio and TV discussions about “Women working together to Secure Property Rights of Spouses” at local, regional and national levels. They also want the population to be aware of their national activities and to discuss the themes of the Charter with a special reference to the situation in Ghana.

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Last modified 2007-06-18 02:43 PM
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