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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Ivory Coast

The pan-African organization of young women for peace (MOPAJEF) is planning large women's gatherings in Abidjan and in the country's interior (Sikensi) to demand a return to peacetime and the eradication of poverty and war in Africa.  The women in this organization are organizing a telethon to raise funds for the education of two young girls who were orphaned by war.  Between noon and 1 p.m. they will light thousands of candles.  Also, the Forum national de lutte contre la dette et la pauvreté ("National Forum Against the Debt and Poverty") is in the process of setting up a WMW coordinating body with other participating groups in the country (a meeting has been scheduled, followed by a media scrum and a large-scale action).

Photos de la manifestation organisée par le MOPAJEF
Last modified 2005-09-30 01:37 PM
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