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3rd International Meeting - Continuation

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3rd International Meeting
of the World March of Women

October 2-6, 2001
Montréal, Québec Canada

Continuation of the World March of Women


- The problems of poverty and violence against women have not only not diminished, but continue to increase dramatically;

- The political decision makers addressed by the March at both the national and international levels continue to manifest an absence of political will with respect to application of the principal international Conventions and Protocols, in particular those concerning women;

- The economic decision makers addressed by the March (World Bank and International Monetary Fund) have not, through their actions, indicated any reason to hope for a "change of course" in their direction and activities;


- The World March has given birth to an autonomous global women’s movement;

- There exists an anti-globalization movement with which it is important to construct solid alliances;

We, women of the world, united in the World March of Women on this day, October 6, 2001, and

- Faced with the crucial stakes confronting humanity;

- Faced with the unprecedented rise of poverty around the planet and all forms of violence against women;

Declare that we more determined than ever to continue marching together, on all the continents, because we are convinced that another world is possible.


Team of the 3rd International Meeting

[ Summary 3rd International Meeting ]
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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:07 PM
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