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April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women

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Eliminating violence against women

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


State violence

On October 17, 2000, six women from regions in conflict addressed the United Nations at a meeting initiated by the World March of Women.

Women of Afghanistan, Colombia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Kurdistan, Palestine and Rwanda denounced the daily reign of violence in their countries that is the product of policies motivated by political, economic and commercial interests, and of which the primary victims are women.

The Colombian woman harshly criticized the "double standard" underlying "the complicity in maintaining the silence surrounding the arms industry, one of the most profitable in the developed countries . . . a global, productive business [which, while] immoral is legitimized by free trade."

The Kurdish woman described the violence perpetrated on the Kurdish people by "four States governing different parts of Kurdistan: military intervention, genocide, deportation, forced assimilation and migration, mass destruction of towns and villages, imprisonment, rape and sexual abuse, and the consequences of all this on social and economic structures."

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Women on the March
April 2002

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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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