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WMW Newsletter n. 03/2014

Just two months left before the end of the year and, in the frenetic activity of these dates, we fix our eyes and put our energies on preparing for 2015. It will be an important year for our movement and will require our maximum energy and a lot of working together.

In the next year we will celebrate our 4th International Action and together we will raise our voices to shout "We will continue in the March until all women are free!!". Women from all regions of the planet, we redouble our efforts to coordinate our actions and planning activities. Coordination meetings occur in Europe, Africa, Americas... In Johannesburg, the International Committee will focus on the preparation of strategic documents that support our actions and social mobilization to ensure that we involve grassroot women in each territory.

Our diversity is our strength. Even with different disguises, we know that women suffer the same attacks by the capitalist and patriarchal system, and resist with very similar strategies. So we must continue to work in solidarity, communicating our feminist alternatives to the world and to the sisters of our movement, building our networks and strengthening our alliances and our feminist political formation. We hope that the news of this newsletter fill you with energy to continue the path with stronger steps ... From the International Secretariat, we encourage you to continue sending news and information on the different processes in which you are involved in so that together we can grow and make our 4th International Action a key moment in the history of the WMW.

Our struggle goes on, and we will continue on the march until we are all free!
WMW International Secretariat

*Read at this issue:
•    Johannesburg hosts the next African regional meeting and second annual meeting of the International Committee
•    Europe: feminist caravan, call to action and other advances towards 4th International Action
•    The World March of Women at the SADC People’s Summit
•    Saharawi woman, symbol of strength
•    WMW in Switzerland: training, solidarity and action are axis of mobilization
•    World Social Forum in Tunisia: preparations continues parallel to legislative elections
•    Social movements mobilize: change the system not the climate!

*The newsletter can be downloaded in: English; French; Spanish

Last modified 2014-11-16 03:07 PM
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