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Women in water management and struggling against its privatization

From 12 to 17 March, the World March of Women will be present at the Alternative World Water Forum (FAME in French) in Marseille, France. The alternative forum intends to continue and enlarge the civil society movement in favor of the preservation of water resources and their management, with citizens’ participation, which has been developing in specific alternative spaces, as well as the World Social Forums (like in Porto Alegre, Caracas, Nairobi, Belém and Dakar). This movement promoted the recognition of access to water as a fundamental human right by the UN General Assembly on July 29, 2010.

For this Forum, we have prepared a discussion paper about rural and urban women’s experiences with water management and our struggle against its privatization, which is available to our groups on our website.

You can find the text attached or read it on our website in:
English; French; Spanish

For further information on FAME:

Last modified 2012-03-12 03:17 PM
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