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WMW Newsletter n.02/2011

Our international Newsletter n. 2 (vol 13), June 2011, is already available! You can download the PDF version (with pictures) in:  EnglishFrenchSpanishPortuguese. Or click to read the html version.
Highlights of this issue:
- Preparation for the WMW 8th International Meeting in Philippines
- Western Sahara: People’s self-determination. Women’s self-determination.
- DRC follow-up: international solidarity in action
- Colombia: Training Schools and a Women’s Court as follow-up on the Summit’s agreements
- Pakistan: Marchers demand social protection for informal sector women workers
- October 12th: Movements in preparation for a day of global struggle
And much more:
- May 17th demonstrations: Stop lesbophobia!
- Quebec: Feminist movement begins strategic discussions
- Mexico: Detainee suspected of attacking a humanitarian caravan
- Young Feminists Camp is approaching!
- G8 dégage! (“G8, get lost!”)
- Domestic workers victory at the ILO

Last modified 2011-06-17 02:24 PM
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Español, English, Français