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Haiti: solidarity with our sisters and brothers


It is with very heavy hearts that we write to you today, two days after the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. We are incredibly shocked and saddened by the images and news that we have been receiving over the last 48 hours, and we are very worried for our World March of Women sisters in the country.
We have been trying to get in contact with sisters from the NCB and from the WMW participating groups in Haiti, but have so far not been able to speak to any of them. The tragic news we have had is that our sisters Magalie Marcellin from Kayfanm and Myriam Merlet, a feminist activist and actual Head of the Ministry of Women, were killed in the earthquake. Our thoughts and solidarity go out to their families and friends.
Some good news that we have received is that our sisters from SOFA (one of the groups that makes up the NCB in Haiti) are safe... Their office was badly damaged, but none of them were hurt. We are incredibly thankful. Other good news is that Camille Chalmers, close friend of the WMW and our allied social movements, and member of PAPDA and Jubilee South, has survived along with his wife and children, although his mother-in-law was killed, and his house has been destroyed.
We are evaluating the best way we can help, as concerned women around the world. What we do know is that our solidarity is desperately needed, and that it will also be needed in the middle to long term. Please think about how to start mobilising money and other support in your countries (remembering that items – food, water, clothes, etc – should only be collected if you know of a way for them to reach Haiti). Please keep us informed of any solidarity initiatives that you are part of in your countries.
As soon as we have more information with regards to other sisters in Haiti, and to how we can support those who have survived, we will let you know.
In feminist solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Haiti,

International Secretariat

Last modified 2010-01-14 11:16 PM
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