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The WMW in the Klimaforum, Copenhaguen

During these days, the World March of Women (WMW) is taking part of various actions within the calendar of global mobilization in 2009. The first were the actions in Genève, Switzerland, against the World Trade Organization (WTO). After, the caravan which has departed from Genève on the 3rd and will arrive on the 9th December in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the Klimaforum, the space parallel to the official United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP-15).

During the Klimaforum, which will be held from 7th to 18th December, the WMW will be organizing the following activities, in alliance with Friends of the Earth and Via Campesina:

Feminists struggling against climate change and privatisation of the environment*
10 Dec/ 3.15  – 6.15 pm - Green hall
*Read our text on the area action Common good and public services in the following link:

Food Sovereignty, Energy Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum
11 Dec/1 pm – 6 pm - Orange hall

False solutions: how to resist them and promote alternatives
15 Dec/1 – 2 pm - Green hall

Taking the movement forward: post-COP mobilizations
 18 Dec/ 1 – 3 pm - Green hall

Besides the activities above, we will be present in all the street actions, especially on the 12th December, which is the Global Day of Action on Climate. The complete and detailed Klimaforum program is available in the link:

Click in to read more information on Klimaforum and its platform.

Last modified 2009-12-06 11:52 PM
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