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Honduras: violent repression against demonstrators on Zelaya's return

President Manuel Zelaya, deposed in a State coup on the 28th June, has returned to Honduras and is sheltering in the Brazilian embassy since yesterday, the 22nd September. On knowing of his return, the embassy has been surrounded by thousands of demonstrators who support Zelaya and demand that those who instigated the coup (the military, the conservative elites, conservative sectors of the catholic church)  – lead by Roberto Micheletti – return power to the democratically elected president. Soldiers are also encircling the embassy and are violently repressing Zelaya’s supporters.

We spoke to our feminist sisters in Honduras this morning about what the situation is like there today. They are trapped in their offices near to the Brazilian embassy, without water, without food and with very little Internet connection. They have news of two deaths but haven’t yet received the names of those killed. They also told us that more than 500 people have been arrested, taken to various police stations and also being held in the Chochi Sosa Stadium (reminding us of what happened in Chile and other Latin American countries during the dictatorship years).

International flights to Honduras have been cancelled and the media openly against the coup is being censured; the rest of the media, owned by the big business in the country, is perpetuating a terror campaign so that the population is too scared to protest in the streets.

It is very important that we remain mobilized and that we make the most of every possible opportunity to unmask the discourse of the coup leaders, reproduced by the majority of commercial media channels around the world. At the same time, we need to strengthen the Honduran resistance, supported by the daily coverage from alternative media channels in Latin America.

Please also read the interview with a sister from the WMW in Honduras, carried out during the WMW Americas Regional Meeting (at the time, 46 days after the State coup) at: (only in Spanish)
and the article that will be published in the next edition of the WMW international newsletter at

Accompany up-to-date news from Honduras via the following websites (in Spanish) (there are also various links to community radios that continue to transmit news despite all the repression):

Weblog from the National Front against the State Coup   

Minga Social Movements

Honduran Popular Resistence

Radio Es lo de Menos

Last modified 2009-09-23 06:38 PM
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