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The VII International Meeting has started!


Debates, action, fair and book launching at the
VII International Meeting of the WMW, in Galicia

Between the 14th and the 21st of October the VII International Meeting of the WMW takes place at Vigo, Galicia (North of Spain). Under the theme "Women marching until all women are free", the main goal of the Meeting is the definition and organization of the next global action of the March. The meeting will be the occasion to discuss and develop the track of the four action fields of the March, to deepen the debates and knowledge around various feminist themes (like the mercantile use of women’s life and bodies, the right wing offensive against women’s autonomy, etc), as well as to carry through our General Assembly.

Check daily news on the VII International Meeting at the following websites:
VII International Meeting (blog):
Galicia WMW National Coordinating Body:

The book: 10 years of World March of Women’s History

To mark the ten years of the first International Meeting of the March – that happened at Montreal, Quebec, in October 1998 – we will launch the book "The World March of Women 1998-2008: a decade of international feminist struggle". The book analyses the collective identity of the March, the steps made by the movement, the contents of their demands through its main historical documents and actual challenges. The launch will happen at 6 p.m., Sunday 19th, during the Food Sovereignty Fair at the Praza da Estrela.

Reflection and action on Food Sovereignty

Besides being responsible for the Meeting logistics (infrastructure, translation team, transports, etc) the National Coordination (NC) of the WM at Galicia has prepared a Food Sovereignty’s weekend composed of an International Forum, a Food Sovereignty and Responsible Consume Fair, a demonstration and the creation of the Milladoiro. These activities are opened to other activists and public in general of the region. The objectives of these eventes are to advance the World March discourse, promote debate and to develop a feminist position on the food sovereignty theme, besides denouncing the food production chain control by the Transnational corporations and to show how local agro-ecologic agriculture has the capacity to nourish us all.

Another event on the 19th will gather young feminists from all over the world. They’ll be sharing projects and campaigns they are involved in.

Where and when

* WMW delegates meet from 14th onwards to Panxon, Vigo district

* The Food Sovereignty Forum happens at the Auditorio Caixanova, Vigo, Saturday 18th, between five and nine thirty p.m

* The Fair happens at the Praza da Estrela, Vigo, on the 18th and 19th, after 11 o’clock a.m.

* The demonstration "Changing Women’s life to change the World" happens at the 19th. Starts at noon from the Praza del Concello, when a little before it will be built, in a collective form, the Milladoiro, with the participation of the delegates of the WMW International Meeting

* The activity "New feminists, new perspectives on international feminism", happens at the 19th at five p.m. at the Caixova Social Centre, Vigo

Last modified 2008-10-15 09:34 PM
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