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July 2008


NEWS from Mexico

In the weekend of 26 July, the offices of Communication and Information of Women (CIMAC), located in the capital of the country, were raided. Several computer equipment, files and materials needed to carry out their journalistic work were looted, and several administrative documents were destroyed.

Communication and Information of Women (CIMAC) is an essential part of civil organizations that promote and protect the respect for human rights of women and the freedom of speech in Mexico.

Against this grievance, the members of this organization submitted on Monday 28 July the corresponding complaint before the Agency 6 the Public Ministry of the General Attorney of Justice of the Federal District, which began the investigation FCH/CUH-6 /T2/1195/08-07.  Instead, these facts remain in impunity and will contribute to swell the already long list of cases pending in the area of freedom of expression and the right to information, as well as the climate of harassment to organizations of civil society working to promote human rights. Read the complete communication in Spanish .



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Last modified 2008-08-01 06:21 PM
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