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Lebanon, the 5 values written on marble

Lebanon, the 5 values written on marble
By Randa Yassir

We gathered in Minaa City and after the speeches of Mrs. Laura Sfeir explained the idea of the WMW and claims of the charter in addition to the 5 values we are seeking for achieving them for Humanity. Then there was a speech by a representative of women comities and finally a speech of the municipality of Al- Minaa City.  After that 5 children set free 5 pigeons in the air and 5 boats were set in the sea; each boat carried a sign written on it one of the values and in the same time, 5 artists were drawing paintings representing these values too. We marched with scout groups and representatives of different comities with the chief of the municipality of Al- Minaa, in addition to different groups of the people that gathered with us. Then after that we went in a march on the boats. Day one ended at 9:00 p.m.

Day 2 (Tripoli) August 1st, 2005

We gathered in Tripoli City and after the speeches of Mrs. Laura explaining the idea of the WMW and claims of the charter in addition to the 5 values we are seeking for achieving for Humanity. And there was a speech by another representative of women comities in North Lebanon then the chief of Tripoli municipality had a speech that thanked LECORVAW for the activities it always held in Tripoli. Then we marched to a square were we planted 5 olive trees representing the 5 values and represented these values written on a piece of marble fixed now in that square for ever. After that we marched back to our first gathering point where artists were painting and different people participated in drawing their own drawings about the 5 values.

We made posters and flyers and we called all the Lebanese press to write about our actions and about the WMW.

Last modified 2005-08-03 11:15 AM
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