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Relay against militarization in Japan

By MMF Japon/WMW Japan/MMM Japón

The Charter and solidarity quilt were relayed to women in Japan by Lyn, the Australian delegate, on June 30th in Tokyo. Over 40 women from 23 organizations took part in the solidarity night with Lyn who was in Japan for the first time. They had a very good time talking about the situation of women in both countries, singing songs, and especially participating in activities about peace.

The liaison committee of WMW in Japan held a contest for their square of the solidarity quilt, in which Hisako Fujioka, woman from Kanagawa prefecture won the first prize. She was invited to the meeting organized for the passage of the relay, along with the woman who had won the second prize and the others that followed. All the quilts were exhibited and won the admiration of the participants.

The Charter and the solidarity quilt were relayed to
Kyoto on July 1st. Forty women gathered for the meeting of WMW in Kyoto and then took part to the March in Osaka the day after.


On July 2nd, 600 women joined to WMW held in OSAKA, the second largest city in JAPAN. In Japan it is rainy season,and that day was rainy but we held a rally  in the park and appealed we should support the article 9 of Japanese Constitution so that Japan may not go back to the military country.

After the rally, we held  a parade along the
Midosuji Street which is much croweded  street. We got attention of many passers by because our parade was very colourful, and 100 women wore Japanese Yukata and danced with Japanese folk music, which applauds Japanese Constitution.







Last modified 2005-09-23 04:22 AM
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