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World March's Activities During the WSF

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1. January 26,  6 p.m. : Preparation meeting of the Assemble of social movements
Where: Sindicato dos Bancarios do Pará e do Amapá, rua 28 de Setembro, 1210 – Between Doca and Quintino (near Tabaqueira) (See below for details on how to get there.)

2. January 27, 1 p.m. : Gathering to welcome the activists of the World March of Women in the school where the Brazilian delegation will be staying.
Where: Escola Estadual Paes de Carvalho, rue Saldanha Marinho, Praça da Bandeira/Comércio near Ver-o-Peso

3. January 28, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. : Presentation of the 2010 action
Where: Stateless People’s tent
- World context from a feminist perspective
  Representatives from the Amazonian region (Portuguese)
  Sarita, Népal (English)
  Yidiz, Turkey (English)
- How to make the March a permanent movement in response to this context
  Brazilian Representatives (Portuguese)
  Wilhemina, South Africa (English)
  Latin American representatives
- Batucada, songs
- Presentation of the content of the 2010 action and others
- Types of actions
  Brazilian representatives will speak about the organization of the March
  Adèle, Democratic Republic of the Congo (French)

Note: The conversations will be in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. The others seminars that the World March of Women or its partners will participate in will follow the linguistic model of the WSF.

4. January 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. : Women and the financial crisis, imperial struggles and international solidarity by Wilhelmina. Activities organized by the International Democratic Federation of Women. Women from Portugal, Cap Verde, Mozambique, Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina will take part in a panel discussion.

5. January 31, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. : The illegality of abortions as a threat to women’s lives.
Participants: United Front against the Criminalisation of Women and for the Legalisation of Abortion; Brazilian Women’s Coalition; Black Women of Brazil’s Coalition; Brazilian Day for Legal and Safe Abortions; Brazilian League of Lesbian Women; World March of Women; Feminist Network of health, sexual and reproductive rights; National Secretariat of Women Workers at the Unique Workers' Center; Brazilian Women’s Union; National Student Union.

Getting there:

By bus: Buses coming from all parts of Bélem, including the area where the Forum will be held, pass by Doca street. Most buses have the name “Pte. Vargas” (for example, Guamá – Pte Vargas, Médici – Pte Vargas) and have a sticker with the destination  “Doca” at the front of the bus. The ticket costs R$1,70.

By Taxi: In Bélem, taxis have the number 1 written on them until 8 p.m.  At this rate, a taxi from the WSF to Sindicato will cost between 15 to 20 reais, depending on the route taken and the traffic. From the more central areas of the city (Nazaré, Umarizal, Reduto, Marco, Pedreira, São Brás, Batista Campos, Comércio, Telégrafo, Cidade Velha, etc.), it costs about R$10.
COOTAPEM (91) 32244400/ 32303276 – taxi coop that give a 20% rebate per ride that costs more than R$10
COOPERTTTUR (91) 3246-9637 – does not offer rebates but does offer a bilingual service.

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2009-01-24 12:56 PM
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