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La Marche au Forum social de Karachi

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A. Saleha Athar


As per decision the World Social Forum was Poly centered will be held in three continents Caracas ( Venezuela), Bamaco ( Mali Africa) and Karachi ( Pakistan-Asia)

The Polycentric WSF Karachi-2006 had held from 24-29 March 2006. Primarily the Forum was focused on anti-globalization, anti-militarization, anti-privatization, anti-imperialism and neo-liberalization. Moreover, it was focused on anti-global war especially on anti-American global war policy. However, it has significant impact on South Asian Region’s conflict resolution, political settlement, land rights, human rights and global peace process. Among the three continents,

In the WSF-Karachi, there were around 40 thousand people participated from 58 countries of the world from five continents including South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia held at Karachi Sports Complex brought together most of the movement in Pakistan on one platform. It was from peasants to women rights groups to national liberation struggle groups, they were all there.

World March of Women.

WMW decided to participate in three poly centered World Social Forum Caracas, Bamaco and Karachi. Two of them were held in the month of January 06. Last one was in Karachi.

Holding Partners.             World March of Women (south Asia) and Coordinating Body of Pakistan.

Goals of the workshop were,

To Share the impact of the World March of the women’s international 2005. (Global Charter for Humanity, World Relay , Solidarity Quilts)

Suggested themes.

Peace and demilitarization. Discriminatory Laws, Violence against women, Inequality.

This workshop was organized on 26th March 06 at the venue # 307 attended by Home based workers, Bonded labour,  delegates from Bangla desh, Nepal, Pakistan.

( approximately 150 women and men were present.) The venue was decorated with Pakistani Quilt and Indian Quilt, Banners and Posters

Speakers from India did not reach due to unavailability of visas. Coordinating body arranged some speakers from Pakistan, as follows,

Main Speakers

Name of the speakers                      Organization.                                    Topics______________

Ms. Seema Sheikh                               Aurat Foundation                              Discriminatory Laws                                                                                                                                    violence against women

Ms. Ghulam Fatema                            Bonded labour Union                          Violence against Women                                                                                                                                               at working place

Ms. Nargis Rehman                             Karachi women Peace Committee       Demilitarization and                                                                                                                                        Peace.

Ms. Farhat Perween                           Pakistan Institute of Labour               Inequality in working places.

                                                                                                                     Education and Research.

Ms. Saleha Athar                               Introduction of the Global Charter for Humanity.


Saleha Athar.  Presented introduction of the WMW and its working in the world and also read out the Global charter for humanity and presented report of solidarity day which was organized by Pakistan coordinating Body and women from Hyderabad.  And also explained the objectives of this workshop. The participants suggested that it will be appropriate to have this session on question answers. Opinion of the majority was accepted.

Ms. Seema Shiekh.

Highlighted discriminatory laws which has been promulgated in Pakistan  and are not in favor of women. Women always suffered due to these laws. KARO KARI( Honor killing) women abuses, discrimination on working places, Hudood Ordinance etc are still rampant.

She suggested that Global Charter for Humanity if adopted properly will not only help women of the world and especially South Asia to emancipate but will also make the world a peaceful place to live in.

Ghulam Fatema. 

Explained the situation of the bonded women in the rural area, and their miserable condition socially as well as economically. She said that she's working for bring a better change in the life of these women and will continue to work till the time they are liberated from the shackles of subordination and able to make their life according to our own decisions.

Nargis Rehman.

Militarization is the root cause of all the evils against humanity such as wars, disparity in the human beings, poverty and injustices. If the World is to be made a peaceful, prosperous and dignified place for all the nations and communities to live in harmony militarization be stopped and efforts be made to flourish justice and democracy.

Farhat Perween.

Women are exploited in every respect, economically or socially. The prevailing laws do not help to give them any relief rather makes ways and creates opportunities for their  further exploitation. It is therefore necessary that all the laws which are against the women rights may be stricken of at once and at all. Laws which may provide dignity, honour and justice may be promulgated.

Question answer session.

Question and answer session was held many suggestions  came out.

 The participants suggested to organize seminars and workshops on charter in the working places. If the owner of the factory provide permission to hold in his premises.

Another suggestion was that Motor cycles may be provided on the low installment to them for transport so that they may have their own means of travel and as such may not be humiliated by the transporters.

Women at working places or in the community will check the violence against them and fight to stop the violence themselves.

After that session copies of the Global Charter for Humanity were distributed among the women participants.

After this session all women participated in a rally which was organized with the help of Rukhshi Foundation on Poverty. All Women kept utensils in their hands and beat with iron rods and chanting slogan against poverty and Globalization, WTO.    

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-04-18 10:54 AM
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