The Alliances and Globalization Collective has the mandate to organize and encourage the World March’s participation in World Social Forums and in national and regional processes of the WSF, monitor meetings of other social movements, coordinate the March’s participation in actions and meetings of the Social Movements World Network. Coordination: the Brazilian March coordinating body.
The World March in the WSF
Social Movements Assembly
La Marcha en los Foros sociales europeos
Foro Social Américas
The March at the Meeting of the World March of Women of the Americas
- Mar del Plata, Argentina (November 1, 2005)
No to WTO, December 2005
- The World Marchtook part in the activities held against the WTO in December 2005 in Hong Kong.
Manifiesto de Santiago
- Declaración final de los movimientos y organizaciones sociales presentes à las actividades paralelas à la "Cumbre por la amistad e integración de los pueblos iberoamericanos", realizada en Santiago de Chile, los días 8 y 9 de noviembre de 2007
- La Garrucha, Chiapas, México, 31 de diciembre de 2007
WMW’s activities during the World Social Forum 2009
- The Forum was carried out from January 27 to February 1. See schedule of activities carried out by the WMW during the WSF and other documents.
Klimaforum - Copenhaguen, Denmark, 7 to 18 December 2009
Femmes d'Europe, soulevez-vous !
- Communiqué de presse des Femmes du CADTM (Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde)
Declaracion de Santa Cruz Michapa El Salvador, 4 y 5 de junio del 2010
Mobilisations against G-20, WTO, IFM etc.
Demonstration against G20 -Toronto
WSF Free Palestine, 28 November to 1st December
People's Summit paralell at COP (United Nations Conference of Parties on Climate Change)