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Call To Action For 2015 - World March Of Women - European Caravan, March-October 2015 - Body And Territory

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We, the women of the WMW in Europe, will be on the march from March 8 to October 17, 2015, in a caravan starting from Turkey and travelling to Portugal, to bring visibility to our various sexual, political and economic realities, as part of our 4th Global Action.

As we have been doing since 1998, we continue to work to build another possible world, based on our strategies, discussions and international alliances, reaffirming ourselves through resistance, confrontation and the construction of alternatives to the patriarchal, capitalist, racist, lesbophobic and colonial model.

The WMW's European Women's Caravan will use our reality as a starting point for advocating for and building women's alternatives, with international solidarity as the central theme. Our experience consolidated into a global force, one that brings feminism up-to-date, as a project guaranteeing equality between all women, in a society of free and equal women and men, with no ethnic or religious oppression and with free expression of our sexuality.

At the present time, with its significant restructuring of capitalism in an attempt to maintain its maximum exploitative and oppressive powers, reinforced by the privatization of public services, spaces and goods, selling off anything that can be put on the market, the hegemonic system in which we live – based on an impossible, unjust and unsustainable growth model – has again come to the forefront.

The exploitation of nature, attacks on the peoples' rights and sovereignty, control over women's bodies and lives, and increased militarization, criminalization and violence are all mechanisms that support accumulation through dispossession, based on the expanding commodification of every aspect of human life. This is especially true when it comes to the exploitation of women's bodies, which are controlled and regulated by moralizing patterns of sexuality (that are heteronormative, lesbophobic, phallus-centric and focused on male pleasure) and by the expectation of motherhood and a standardized image of female beauty.

Patriarchal violence, often seen as natural and legitimate, is a part of each woman's everyday life and is further aggravated by inequalities of class and race, which also serve to reveal the lack of recognition of women as autonomous actors. 

We are working to build a feminist, solidarity-based economy, one that alters existing patterns of production and reproduction, distribution and consumption, in addition to recognizing and appreciating domestic and care work, as something that is crucial to the sustainability of human life. We are struggling for the institution of liberating policies built on food sovereignty and sovereignty for the people.

We declare that women's self-organization is our strategy for strengthening women as political actors and that we are building a global force in alliance with social movements that share our anti-capitalist fight for a society based on the values of freedom, equality, justice, peace and solidarity.


World March of Women, Europe

Donostia, October 2014


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Last modified 2014-11-16 08:35 PM
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