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Actions 2005 - Launch of the Charter - March 8, 2005

Launch of the Charter - March 8, 2005 40 000 women were in the streets of San Paulo, Brasil, celebrating Woman's Day and launching the Women's Global Charter for Humanity.


El 8 de marzo mientras se lanzaba la "Carta y la Manta" desde el
Brazil, en Tarija realizamos un concurso para elaborar el retazo de
manta y su mensaje que representaría luego en el relevo a
Bolivia.  Luego el 16 de marzo la manta desde la Argentina ingresó
por Villazón, donde dos compañeras bolivianas las hicieron llegar a
Tarija, aquí tuvimos un acto muy emotivo donde representantes de la
brigada parlamentaria<br>
y prefectura del departamento recibieron y escucharon la lectura de la "Carta"<br>
En julio, gracias al apoyo de NOVIB Holanda, pudimos impulsar una gran
movilización uniéndonois al "Llamado de Acción global contra la
pobreza" se conformó una plataforma entre organizaciones de Mujeres y
otras de la<br>
sociedad civil, pudimos influir en las autoridades de Tarija a que
declaren adhesión total a la marcha, ingresamos por las distintas
plazas, habíamos previsto 2.500 bandas blancas, pero la gente que llenó
las calles fueron cerca de 10.000 personas, una radio popular "radio
Tarija" hizo cadena con otras cuatro y difundieron en vivo toda la
movilización. Habían carteles de lo más intensos.<br>
Albina Mendoza, MMM - Tarija - Bolivia<br>

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About 40 000 women participated at the launching of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity in Sao Paulo, on March 8.

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Les femmes de Grèce mobilisent pour le 8 mars 2005.

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“We have just concluded a very exciting 10 days, March 4 to 12, when the World March Charter was launched in the different states.


Launch of the Charter : In India too, The Women’s Global Charter for Humanity was launched along with the Women’s Day activities in 6 states, i.e. Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Maharashtra. The Charter was translated into 5 regional languages (Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Oriya & Bengali) and disseminated to all the participant organizations, government officials, trade unions, media and libraries.

In Dumka, a district in the state of Jharkhand, the launch of the Charter was announced with the beating of drums by a rape victim and lighting of the candle along with the Superintendent of Police (S.P.), Dumka amidst much jubilation. The participants were Advocates, Lecturers, Eminent Journalists, members of People’s
Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and other delegates from people’s organizations, women’s organizations and supporters.

This launch of Charter was jointly organized by NAWO – WMW & PUCL, Dumka in Jharkhand.



At another launch organized in the state of Madhya Pradesh, the Charter was launched among 250 women from the neighboring villages, by beating drums and lighting a candle (diya) on March 11th. The launch was attended by State officials, representatives of Human Resource Development (H.R.D.) Ministry at District level and the Municipal Corporation. There were representatives of Rural Development Wing of the University, Members of various women organizations, and people’s organizations at the State level. The victims of rape, molestation, and domestic violence handed over their case studies to the concerned government officials present at the program. The government officials studied each case and gave their recommendations. 

Yet, in another state, the launch was announced on March 12 by the blowing of conch shell and applying color on each other. About 150 women from women’s organizations & people’s organizations focused on the issue of liquor demanding prohibition of liquor sale in their villages. The women had a dialogue with the Collector on the need to impose a ban on the sale of liquor. The women opposed the presence of liquor shops in their villages.


Launch of the Charter in Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh State.


In the different states where the Charter was launched, women were honoured for their struggles for justice and for setting an example to other women in similar situations.


At almost every launch, the women and government officials present took a pledge to end violence against women and create a New World. A Signature Campaign in support of the Charter was also carried out.” Shashi Sail, WMW India


March and Public Meeting organized by Society of Women in Action for Total Empowerment – SWATE, Women Movement Against Poverty and Violence – T.N- Women MAPOVI-T.N, World March Women – WMW


1.   Introduction

SWATE and Women MAPOVI TN see March 8,2005 – International Women’s Day as unique and more significant event as WMW is completing its 5th year of action against poverty and violence.


2.    Women’s Global Charter for Humanity

We translated the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity into Tamil and circulated to 422 NGO’s, women groups, federations, organizations, movements and women activists in Tamil Nadu on February 15th, 2005.


3.    International Women’s Day March and public meeting

Around 4500 women of SWATE and Women MAPOVI TN took a big march on International Women’s day, which was flagged off and started by Prof. Saraswathi, Human Rights writer and activist.


4.     International participation

A team of six Belgians from 11.11.11., a Belgian Umbrella organization, who are members of WMW – Belgium joined us in the march and expressed their solidarity. It is remarkable that representatives from the same organization were with SWATE when we launched WMW in March 8, 2000. 


During the march women kept waving blue ribbons, as a mark of being in empathy with the Tsunami affected people and for protecting the environment, insisted the Governments to adopt the values mentioned in the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity, in their programs and policies. The March was very powerful and expressive.


5.    Release of Women’s Global Charter for Humanity

Ms. Griet Dobbelaere, Member of World March Women, Belgium, released Women’s Global Charter for Humanity. Ms. Christi Samy, National Coordination Committee member – NAWO – WMW gave the introductory speech.


Women endorsing the Global Charter with thumb prints

As an act of signing the charter, women who participated in the March and Public meet put their thumb impression / handprints in different colors on a large white cloth, displayed in the exhibition with the thrust of the charter written on it. Sixty women who gathered from five different organizations who participated in the human chain formed during 1 hour, at noon.


Launching of Women’s Global Charter for Humanity was done by Ms.Leelavathi - Pengal Porattha Khuzhu. She spoke on issues related and faced by the Tsunami victims followed by sharing from women affected in the Tsunami.


Josephine explained the livelihood rights of women and explained the women’s demands through this charter on humanity and explained the core values of the charter as equality, freedom, solidarity, peace and justice.

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Lancement de la Charte mondiale des femmes le 8 mars 2005 au Japon.

Launching the Women's Global Charter for Humanity in Japan, March 8, 2005.

Lanzamiento de la Carta Mundial de las Mujeres para la Humanidad, 8 de marzo de 2005, Japón.

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The celebration took place under the patronage of the Mayor of Amman at the City Hall at 12:00 on March 8th. It was run by Arab Women Organization. In addition to representatives from the women NGOs and community leaders, there were representatives from UN Agencies. Ms. Emily Naffa was given the floor to speak about the Launching of the Charter in Sao Paolo and to declare the beginning of events in Jordan in preparation for receiving the Global Charter and the Solidarity Quilt on August 3rd from Lebanon to pass them to Tunisia, as part of the Relay. Another meeting is going to be held at the General Union of Voluntary Societies (GUVS, in which 900 NGOs are affiliated), on March 12th.

Media coverage was excellent. Jordan TV broadcasted the March 8th event at prime time News. Different Radio stations kept interviewing several women to talk about the event. The press covered the event with photos. Local press spoke about the Sao Paulo event. Emily furnished them with the information and the event was broadcasted via int. Satellites. We are so happy and wish success for the 2005 Relay.

Leila Hamarneh, AWO, Amman, Jordan

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Women from each region will bring a puzzle piece to Martyrs Square, in Beirut and put the puzzle pieces together, each of them representing one of the five principles of the Charter. At noon, the churches will ring their bells and the mosques will broadcast the Muslim prayer in a gesture of solidarity from the different religions present in Lebanon. Then, from noon until midnight, in succession, women in all the regions will make noise.

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We had launched WMW charter on women's' day of this year among member
organizations of this National Indigenous Women Federation (Niwf-Nepal)
and also developed a quilt. On October 17 we are planing to make a trek
to Indigenous village and disseminate&nbsp; the WMW charter among more
women. Thank you.<br>
Rampyari Sunuwar (General Secretary)<br>
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New Caledonia

Le 8 mars, la journée mondiale de la femme a été organisée sur le territoire avec la participation de différentes associations de femmes, de représentants institutionnels et de la ligue des droits de l'homme. C'était l'occasion pour nous d'organiser le lancement de la Charte à travers la Nouvelle Calédonie en sollicitant la participation des communes.

Nous souhaitons susciter la participation des femmes à l'élaboration d'un cahier de propositions sur les thèmes énoncés par la charte et qui sera soumis par la suite aux dirigeants du pays.

Tout au long de l'année, nous aurons des émissions de radio sur différentes thématiques concernant les femmes.

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MANTA NACIONAL realizada de pedazos proveniendo de las regiones del pais quien participaron a un concurso :


Leer el pronunciamiento

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"We had a grand celebration to commemorate 100 years of Women's Actions in the Philippines last March 8. Yes, Feminism in the Philippines is 100 years already! In the morning, there was a picket by urban poor women led by Likhaan (KK2's secretariat) in front of Congress calling for lawmakers to pass the Responsible Parenthood and Population Management Bill which is being strongly contested by conservatives in the church. Simultaneous to this was a forum by Sarilaya on women's actions against genetically modified organisms.




In the afternoon, Kilos Kabaro 2 staged a big celebration in a venue called Bantayog ng mga Bayani (Monument for Heroes & Heroines) which was participated in by almost 2,000 women coming from various sectors and organizations. There was a long piece of cloth at the registration area which had the WMW logo and the five goals of the charter. People signed on the cloth as they came in as a way of showing support to these goals. A big WMW flag was also visible in front of the stage and Dr. Sylvia Esrada-Claudio (Guy) mentioned the WMW in her welcoming remarks.

The program had simultaneous interactive discussions / activities during the first hour and a half  on issues like poverty, lack of social services, fundamentalism, etc. Then for the next four hours or so, we had poetry reading, dancing, singing and awarding of grassroots organizers."

Jing Geaga, World March of Women






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“We made a launch of the Charter in the center of the capital, during three hours, in the afternoon. We prepared a file for the press with all the information available on the Charter, the actions of 2005, the World March, the March in Portugal. We held a street action where we revealed the Charter. One of the most important national newspapers put a reference to the Charter in the front page and also mentioned in a way very widened way the March and the Charter. We gave several interviews for national and local radios. We made a good and beautiful launch of the Charter in Portugal. Brazilian television and French television were there, but no Portuguese televisions! The presence of young women in our action was very important for us and inspiring.”


Almerinda Bento, Portuguese coordination

(home translation)


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Les femmes du Québec tiendront des actions locales, régionales et nationales pour le lancement de la Charte au Québec et le dévoilement des cinq revendications nationales. Des activités nationales pour le lancement sont prévues à Montréal et à Québec. Le 8 mars marque le début des actions de la Marche mondiale en 2005 et de la campagne de pression politique pour obtenir leurs revendications.

Un tract de mobilisation pour le lancement à Montréal est disponible à

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Launching at the national level and in 12 provinces on March 8th, 2005

« A delegation of three members of PRO-FEMMES / TWESE HAMWE went to Goma in DRC to celebrate March 8th with the women of DRC, Burundi, and Rwanda in a meeting of the COCAFEM / GL. The charter will be officially launched in the sub-region of Great Lakes.


The charter is being translated into Kinyarwanda to facilitate its popularization and to sensitize the population to it.

The charter is diffused in French and English to the member associations and will be diffused to the rural population after its translation. The new charter will be put on our Web site. It has been distributed in a press conference with the media. The charter was expounded during several television shows preparing the event of
March 8th, 2005.

A meeting is being planned with associations to rule on the Rwandan symbol to be put in the quilt and to organize the relay.


500 desktop calendars were printed and distributed with a monthly message in French and in English taken from the World Charter of the Women for the Humanity and the pictures of the fifth meeting of the women illustrate these calendars. 1500 wall calendars were also produced and diffused at the national level and at the regional level (Burundi, DRC, Rwanda).


A team of Rwandan women going to New York for Beijing+10 brought calendars reflecting the pictures of the women having participated in the fifth meeting as well as the five values of the world charter of the women.

Happy women’s day to all women in the world. »


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In spite of the police violence which repressed several groups of
women expressing on March 8, the women of the World March carried out a
peaceful walk. Here, of the women demonstrating in Ankara, the capital.



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Last modified 2005-03-18 10:28 AM
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