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World March of Women
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2000 - Special Washington & New-York

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The World March of Women
Special Washington & New-York

Actions in the World

    Local groups and national coordinating bodies in countries participating in the World March of Women are organizing numerous activities in support of the March:

    October 14

    In Belgium, European groups who began travelling toward Brussels the preceding week, will converge in the capital. This European demonstration will include cultural events, workshops, debates and a music festival. In Quebec (Canada), women will rally in Montreal and hold actions in all the regions. In El Salvador and Ecuador women are mobilizing during the entire week leading up to October 17.

    October 15

    Is the date chosen for the national action in: Peru, Burundi (at the same time as the Day of Rural Women), Canada, Hong Kong (where Asian migrant women will deliver giant placards to the head office of HKSAR. They will distribute thousands of paper purple roses inscribed with the women's demands. In Australia, the virtual bus arrives in Brisbane. An initiative of the Queensland Domestic Violence Services Network, the virtual bus left on September 15, picking up thousands of women on its route, in this way bringing them into contact with the World March of Women.

    October 16

    In Guinea, women are gathering in the capital in front of the UNDP. Women will also be marching in the regions.

    October 17

    Simultaneously with the rally in New York, women will be marching in many countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Jamaica, Japan, Martinique, Congo, and Mexico. In Australia, many meetings are planned in work places, schools, and communities. In Bolivia, Brazil and Canada, women will be meeting with their elected representatives in every region of the country, to present their demands. In Bangladesh, a major rally will be held in front of the offices of the UNDP and the World Bank in Dhaka. Demonstrators will form a human chain to protest against violence. In Guinea, women will present the President of Parliament with a White Paper. In the Philippines, women will be demonstrating and debating.…

    In Rwanda, women will be gathering in the villages. They will present their demands to representatives of government. In the United Kingdom women are organizing a vigil. In Saint-Denis, on the island of Réunion, a march, followed by personal testimonies will take place at the site of a plaque commemorating human misery. On the island of Rodrigues, there will be a succession of activities followed by a demonstration. In Germany, many groups will meet in Karlsruhe. In Iceland, October 17 will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the women's strike in this country. In New Caledonia, the March will arrive in Nouméa, after the "words of women" have made the rounds of all the provinces.

    New York City this week fleche


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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:07 PM
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