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You are here: Home » Structure: IC, Countries and Participating bodies, International meetings » Countries and participating groups » Europe » Romania » INDCONSULT (Asoc patronata afirmelor de consultanta si prégative profesionalà), AGPITF-SRL (Agente de proprietate Intelectuata si transfer de tehnologie)

INDCONSULT (Asoc patronata afirmelor de consultanta si prégative profesionalà), AGPITF-SRL (Agente de proprietate Intelectuata si transfer de tehnologie)

Faighenon Marioara

Bol. Libertati No12, bl113, sc2, ap28, sec4, CP42-106

336 02 06, 094 293552

636 2023

Last modified 2005-03-03 04:50 PM