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24 hours of Feminist Solidarity in Portugal

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To celebrate the 24 hours of international feminist solidarity, the Portuguese coordinating body of the World March of Women organised a number of events.

On the day before (October 16th),  we hosted the "No Prejudice - Changing Portugal is Urgent!" Seminar in Lisboa, a space where participants were given the opportunity to debate issues of Poverty and (Un)Employment, Sexual Orientation, Women and Migrations, Violence Against Women, Abortion and Political Participation, as well as become more familiar with the actions and aims of the World March of Women. To express the solidarity of Portuguese women with women from all over the world, we invited Joséphine Kusinza, activist and executive member of the COCAFEM/GL (African Great Lakes), who spoke about "Patriarchy, War and Poverty: Violences against Women".

Between 12h and 13h on October 17th, members of the coordinating body got together in the Largo Camões, in the centre of Lisboa, and organised a street action, during which we distributed flyers and copies of the charter and presented the Portuguese Quilt of Feminist Solidarity, a quilt composed of squares made by several different organisations and groups who support the March (including shelters for victims of violence, youth groups, schools, homes for the elderly, local, regional and national organisations, women's rights groups, etc.)

Later that day, in the headquarters of the Associação Abril (also in Lisbon), the coordinating body of the March launched the fourth issue of a magazine on women’s human rights called ART. ♀ and published yearly by one of the organisations who are part of this body, the AJP (Associação para a Justiça e Paz). This fourth issue is dedicated to the World March of Women and its theme is “Women’s Solidarity, Local and Global”. The aim of the magazine is not only to give information about the situation of women but also to raise women’s visibility and highlight their contributions to peace, justice, solidarity, equality and freedom.

Contributors : Almerinda Bento, Maria do Mar Pereira
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2005-12-21 09:44 PM