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National News Flashes - Greece

Brussels, 2011-04-19

Send to: Greek embassy in Stockholm, Swedish government (Beatrice Ask), Greek government (Ministry of Justice), Swedish Embassy (Greece),

Dear Sir/Madam,

We want to express our strongest concern and objections against the treatment of the Swedish woman "Anna" by the Greek authorities. "Anna" was raped and beaten during her holiday at the Greek island Samos in 2008. The injuries were documented by a Swedish pathologist and sent to the Greek court. But the indictment was closed down in 2009 and in the verdict sent to "Anna" it says that it's increasingly common that Scandinavian women register Greek men for rape to receive insurance money.

In 2010 "Anna" received a new letter from the Greek court with a prosecution against her for false imputation and defamatory. And the procedure is planned to take place in May 2011.

In a protest letter against the treatment of the Swedish woman, Jan Tordsson, an engaged citizen from Växjö, Sweden, expressed his concerns about the case in a letter to the Greek embassy in Stockholm, and got the reply that: "On the contrary my friend, it is you who should be ashamed of the behaviour of Swedish women, on vacation in other parts of the world and with foreign citizens in their own country". Luckily this statement was not supported by the Greek state and the diplomat was forced to leave his position.

All in all, we want to protest against the misogynistic treatment of "Anna" by Greek justice, embassy in Sweden and the racist opinions that has been expressed by these two and spread in Greek media.

Working with the problem of violence against women on a daily basis, we now demand the following:

- The Swedish justice has to protect "Anna" from being extradited to Greece for the procedure, as it is an unfair trail
- The Swedish justice has to help "Anna" to get a fair procedure where the perpetrator is being properly prosecuted
- The Greek embassy has to make an apology for the racist and misogynist opinions expressed about Swedish women.
– The EU Commission should propose a legislation as suggest by the European Parliament in the adopted report on priorities and outline of a new EU policy framework to fight violence against women (A7-0065/2011)
We have to make sure that all women in the EU have the same rights wherever they are. The case of "Anna" shows that we have a long way to go and that the need to raise the standard of fighting violence against women is urgent.
Recently the European Parliament adopted a report where its calling for EU legislation to fight violence against women. Also the European Council has decided in the Stockholm program from 2009 to defeat violence against women, and the pressure is therefore vast on the Commission to deliver such an Action plan. We are hoping that the Swedish and the Greek government will support the report from the EU parliament and take a more active role in fighting violence against women.

Best regards,

Eva-Britt Svensson, MEP, European Parliament, and rapporteur on the report on violence against women

The above protest was sent to the above mentioned authorities with the signatures of representatives of women’s organisations along with this of ms. Eva-Britt Svensson, MEP

Angela Beausang, president of The national organisation for women’s and young women's shelters in Sweden (ROKS)
Carina Ohlsson, president of The Swedish Association of Women’s Shelters and Young Women’s Empowerment Centres (SKR)
Sissy Vovou, member of Women´s Initative for the elimination of violence aginst women, and World March of Women (Greek Network).
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Last modified 2011-06-15 03:04 PM