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National News Flashes - Pakistan

Pakistan: Critical Situation
by Saleha Athar

The political situation in Pakistan is getting worst by the Talibinization  and Terrorists who has their self interest ; Terrorist doing Bomb blast every week, Kid napping of the people Is increasing. People are murdered being blamed for Blasphemy. Rape cases are increasing.  Law enforcing agencies are not working properly. Government is not paying attention on these issues. It is being observed that Government has failed to control these ills. All the agencies have over powered the government, they are creating bad atmosphere for the peaceful citizens.   
 Karachi is a big city and an industrial hub of Pakistan. And it is giving 80% revenue of the total revenue of Pakistan yearly. People from every province are coming to settle here for jobs and business. Mostly they are living around the city slum area.  Now this city is in the hold of terrorist, they are killing innocent people, destroying economic activities, they are targeting small traders and creating restlessness and scares in the low income group areas where women are working as home based. And they give ethnic colour to these riots. These tactic are always played by Capitalist to grab the economics of the country.  
It is observed that these terrorist activities was started by the big capitalist who wanted to grab  all business and destroy the country’s economy, to make weak the small traders, creating hindrances not work properly, and  for this purpose they used some political and religious  parties and Mafias groups. The capitalists are supporting these parties and groups for their benefits. These parties and groups are spreading violence in the city to create restlessness. These parties divided the city on ethnic basis and formed “no go areas”. If any person of other group enters in these areas they are killed by terrorist. They are showing weapons openly and use it very freely, no restriction on them. The Pakistani Government has no writ to control on it because they are also supporting them; the Government failed to give security to the public, Administration authorities did not arrest culprits.
After 5 months of these terrorist activities the atmosphere of this city is in grief and sorrow, all economical activities are hampered and not working up to the mark, Daily wagers are jobless or getting very less income, prices of daily uses are gone up.  In 5 months total 1,400 innocent people were killed by target killers on ethnic and political grounds. In the month of August 220 people were killed.1400 vehicles were torched.
In the areas where people are being target mostly are illiterate and daily wagers doing jobs on shops, transport, venders each family have 5to 8 children women are doing home based work which is supplied by contractors on piece work for them. Now the situation is that the male member of the families has been killed by targeting or in violence, women feel lonely with all the children’s responsibility on her. She is suffering a lot of problems; she has no other resources to meet out the expenditure of the family. Some women are working in different Garment and Plastic factories, they are not going to their jobs, due to violence and strike of transport, the factory owners have also suffered by this violence situation and locked their factories for unlimited period.  As per our study the numbers of widows and orphans is increasing, and they are living below poverty line.
Civil society and NGOs members felt their responsibility to come forward and raise voice against these terrorist actions, for this purpose we (civil society) arranged all parties’ conference to discuss the city situation and raise voices jointly against terrorism. Only two main political parties joined us but 8 Nationalist Party came and discussed the issue. 4 women organizations also attended and presented the women situation in this violence. It was decided to visit these areas and console the victims family members, any help they needed will  be provided to them. After this conference we formed a group ” Concerned citizens of Karachi” in which we call humanitarians, Intellectuals, Doctors, women activists, Lawyers  from all walk of life to come and  join hands to bring  peace in the city and save innocent people from target killings. And demand the government to deweaponize the city. In the umbrella of this forum we took out rallies, demonstrations with the victims people,  held Press conference and visited those areas where target killing is going on. Women of the families in the area were very frustrated and scare for their children, they needed protection of their home and children, they said that “we are living very peacefully with our neighbors; we have no hate with other section of ethnics”
Now  EID celebration has come on 1st September, This is a very big religious event, which is celebrating in a big manner. For this event new clothes, shoes and other celebration items are purchased. But due to this terrorist actions the people of the city did not buy necessary things to celebrate Eid , they are scare for terrorism.

Climate destructions

On the other hand monsoon rainfall destructed life of the rural areas, lost very important crops.  People of the rural areas also lost their belonging and are living under open sky. They have no food, drinking water facilities. These families are protecting themselves.
Women and children complained and raised their voices against district government non supply of relief goods and also protested for not being provided any security to them. They chanted slogan and hold banners and play cards.
They raised their voice for supply of shelter because they are living in knee deep water and are compelled to live on roads. One year before, flood had ruined their houses and lands, the water of that flood is not dry till now, different diseases are broken, the Government was not given proper attention to dry this water, and Monsoon rainfall has increased the water bed of the lands. People are waiting for help from government and philanthropist. Some helps were provided but it is not sufficient for them.
It is reported by affectees that some resourceful land lord tried to grab a girl from the road side where they are sleeping in the night, but people arose and made noise, which disturbed them and they left the girl and ran away. The people complained to the administration but the culprits belong to source full family, so they avoided.

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Last modified 2011-09-21 05:46 PM
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