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World March of Women
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National News Flashes - Nepal

World March of Women formed a National Coordination Committee in Nepal in 2008. Through this Coordination Committee the following activities have been carried out on the women's issues in the first half of 2009:

·      Produced leaflet and distribute it to raise awareness about the WMW.

·      Organized meeting of National Coordination Committee of Nepal. This meeting discussed the issues of Violence and Poverty, Peace and Militarisation, Women's Works and Common goods and Access to Resources.

·      Held zonal interaction meeting on the 8th March 2009.

·      Organized Rallies during the 8th March Day and in different districts and parts of the country such as Dang, Khotang, Morang, Jhapa and Kathmandu districts.

·      Participated in World Human Rights Day and built solidarity with other organisations.

(Information sent on the 26th May 2009)

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Last modified 2009-05-27 01:50 PM