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Actions in India

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We are receiving the Charter from Thai-Burma between July 17th and 23rd. It will then be passed on to Pakistan on July 24th.


The National Event in India is being planned on July 21st at Delhi in which one representative from each of the 406-member organizations of WMW will take part. 

  • One women from each of the 26 states of India will be selected to receive the National Honour of Brave Women that recognize her exemplary struggle against Violence faced by women;
  • If it is possible, Indian women will receive the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity from Thai-Burma representatives during the National March in Delhi;
  •  There will be a public speech on “Food Sovereignty as a Right of People/Women”;
  • Cultural expressions as poems, songs, etc. will be presented on the subject of Land struggle.


The Charter will then be taken by a National Delegation of 20 women from India to Pakistan (between July 24th and 27th, 2005).


Contributors : Jacinthe Gouin, Chargée de la Communication et du Plaidoyer à la MMF/Burkina, Martine Senécal, Liaison officer WMW - Burkina Faso
Last modified 2005-08-03 02:37 PM
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