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World March of Women
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500 women and men walked in the streets of Dhaka for solidarity

500 women and men walked in the streets of Dhaka for solidarity
10 years ago, the "Bread and Roses" women's march brought 15,000 women to the National Assembly in Quebec city, Canada to demand measures to combat
poverty and improve women's quality of life. It was also 10 years ago that Beijing hosted the fourth World Conference on women. Through out the world,
women are the first to suffer from poverty, lack of access to social services, good health, water, land housing and education. They are also the
main victims of war, violence, rape and sex trafficking.

Determined to put an end to those scourge, 500 of women and men from Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh came together to show solidarity through a rally on 17th October, 2005 at 11 a.m. We started rally from in front of local Ward Commissioner's office. 400 women from different communities showed their solidarity. We walked near about one hour on the street. Participants hold a banner "World March of Women 2005". We also took a Tapestry (with our traditional stitch called
"Nakshi") prepared by PDAP's beneficiaries. "Sol -sol-Solidarity", "No more violence", "we want equality" etc. We tried to focus two theme in our Tapestry :  1) Poverty alleviation and 2) Violence against women.

After finishing the rally, we discuss with the participants about the issue of rally. Ms. Quazi Baby, Executive Director of PDAP said "still we have a long way to march, we will have to focus off establishing a violence free society, equality and respect between men and women remove all reservations made by different countries whilst ratifying
instruments and to put them into real practical use". Some participants also spoke their experiences in thisregard.

As PDAP is a small organization but it's vision and mission always try to focus on women and human rights and works on related issue.
Last modified 2006-07-12 01:47 PM