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World Relay - Quebec

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May 7th will was a national day of action with the receiving of the Charter and actions in front of the National Assembly in Quebec City.  The Charter arrived by boat with the Canadian delegation and a long feminist human chain brought the Charter from the Old Port to the National Assembly, being passed from one pair of women’s hands to another. 

See pictures and read more news in our News section.

Poster-WMW Activities in Quebec
Québec, 2005 Québec, 2005 Québec, 2005
Actions au Québec
Michèle Asselin, coordination au Québec
Explique l'importance de la Charte pour les Québécoises et les femmes du monde au moment de l'accueil de la Charte le 7 mai 2005 à Québec (.mp3).
Intervention de femmes innus le 7 mai à Québec (.mp3)
Julie Rousseau, des Femmes autochtones du Québec, parle de l'importance de la Charte (.mp3)
Quand les enfants lisent la Charte... (.mp3)
Allocution de Diane Matte, coordinatrice de la Marche mondiale des femmes, le 7 mai 2005 à Québec (.mp3)
Snapshots, May 7, 2005
Last modified 2005-06-28 07:22 AM
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