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Greetings to everybody,

The Tahrir will not leave! With sadness and anger in our hearts, we have decided to put a temporary end to our trip. The Israeli blockade attained its goal; the Greek bureaucracy has got the better of us. This time, it is impossible for Tahir to set sail in the direction of Gaza.

Far from seeing this as a failure, we are aware of the extremely positive impact of this mission. More than ever, the whole world is interested in the Palestine situation and tens of thousands of people understand a little better the inhumanity and illegality of the Israeli blockade. It is together that we can make a difference.

This experience made me become more aware of the need to stand up as citizens when our representatives do not live up to their responsibilities. I found people here like me who believe that another world is possible and necessary. I also found friends that have transformed my life forever.
A journey ends, but another begins. The struggle for justice is a daily struggle. It is every day of our lives that we must raise up and demonstrate that we don’t accept the power of some over others, nor the system that excludes, and that we reject political decisions that blocks the construction of a better world for all and – especially – the love for people with all their differences. Zionism is a story of power, exclusion, possession and hate. I hope my commitment to this trip can help you to understand the deeper meaning of our slogan "Stay Human".
I want to thank you wholeheartedly for taking the boat with us. In this long journey I felt your support. During my moments of doubts and fears, I found the courage to continue by thinking of you and the Palestinians. Together we have helped to change the face of the world a little.


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Last modified 2011-07-13 03:50 PM
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