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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Peru

The WMW in Peru will convene the organizations making up the March in Lima, as well as the Call for Action against Poverty, to participate in a cultural event. They will demand the elimination of poverty and violence against women, and develop a position on the Millennium Development Goals, on the free trade agreement with the United States, and their effects on women’s lives. At the cultural event there will be a passacaglia and a musical band, and figures of women holding women’s demands and proposals. The women will prepare a critical statement about the Millennium Summit. The March Regional Committees in Arequipa, Cusco, Piura and Lambayeque have promised to organize activities on that day as well.

Saludos desde Piura
Peru 1 Peru 1 Peru 1
Ceremonia de inauguration de la casa binacional de acogida a las mujeres
Peruanas se Suman a Jornada Feminista Mundial Contra Pobreza y Violencia hacia las Mujeres
Jornada con la Asociación distrital de mujeres de Tambogrande, PERU
Tambogrande Tambogrande Tambogrande
Last modified 2005-09-30 04:42 PM
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